Working on the scenography of the November – December show in - Galerie Del Campo in Wijster, deep in Holland.
The invite came from curator, Saskia boelsums (who herself is a photographer). We met Saskia and her partner at the Hi’Rez show “Other shapes of water” last May. The owner of the gallery is also a creative. Jan den Uijl designs wooden furniture. I saw a few pieces of his work on his website and it has something like FL Wright meets Marcel Breuer.
I always find it difficult and fun at the same to prepare a show, trying to work out how to present the work. And, this time, with several rooms and floor levels, this one is particularly difficult. What will be the flow, where do people have the space to really take time to look at the work (Jan, a bench or chairs, please.), what colour and materials are the walls (in this case, one is in cork?!), where does the daylight come from, can the extra lighting overrule the daylight? I just hate to decide on the spot what to show. Control freak?
This will also be the first show I do with smaller sized works, so there is also that to take into account. Still a lot of work to do.
